Highway Hope Welcomes You

Episcopal Outreach to America's Homeless

Highway Hope | PO Box 2074, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303 | hope@highwayhope.org

Highway Hope is an Episcopal outreach to the homeless near the highways and roadways of America

We seek to bring hope by providing material and spiritual resources to this special population. The need is great and also is opportunity to serve in furtherance of the Great Commission.

Wherever in America you are located abounds opportunity to serve the homeless population, many of whom congregate along our highways and roadways. Consider informally "adopting a highway", or stretch of road, and seeing to the material and spiritual needs of the homeless population in your area. The providing of basic necessities goes a long way towards easing their lot. grateful are they that others care about their circumstance.

Chronic homelessness is not a desired state of life. Smart energies should be expected from those so situated to improve their own lot. Highway Hope endeavors to bring intelligent solutions to one's homelessness yet not to further the perpetuation of chronic homelessness so increasingly prevalent in many of our major metropolitan areas. We bring a "hand-up", so to speak, and not merely a hand-out. To these efforts, appointing a contact person, or 'local outreach ambassador', we find to be a sensible method by which to bring caring resources to the field of need. Such items could include:

Toothbrush / toothpaste
Hairbrush / deodorant / nailclippers
Ziploc bags (assorted sizes)
Clothing (moisture-resistant)
Food items
Mess kit / can opener (smooth edge)
Scout tent
Military surplus duffle bag
Assistance literature from local government agencies
Episcopal Book of Common Prayer
Holy Bible

Thank you for your interest in providing Christian care and comfort to the homeless population in your area. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance or information. We are here to help.

Highway Hope is a 501(c)(3) registered organization.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
~ Winston Churchill